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RES Celebrates Black History Month!
Here Comes the Bus!

Hi, Royal families! Do you need to know where and when to drop off and/or pick up your scholar? Find out by clicking the link below!

Bus Information

Congratulations to our Royals!

Join us as we congratulate and celebrate our 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Weaver, and Professional of the Year, Mrs. Render! We appreciate your hard work and dedication to educating our Royal scholars! 

Renaissance Features

Attendance Matters!

The doors of the school are opened at 7:10 each day. Students can eat breakfast for free in the cafeteria before going to class. Breakfast ends at 7:35 am. It's crucial that students arrive at school before 7:40, as after this time, they are considered late and must be signed in by an adult. Punctuality is key to a successful school day.

Last year, less than 78% of students met the threshold for satisfactory attendance. Satisfactory attendance is characterized by being present at least 90% of the school year. That is less than seventeen days for students enrolled on the first day. This year, we are striving for 90% of students with less than 15 days absent this year. Regular attendance is crucial for students’ success. Please ensure your child arrives on time and is ready to learn daily. If your student gets sick, notify the school immediately by sending an excuse to or a handwritten note. Include the following information:

Student Name

Parent/Guardian signature, phone number/e-mail address

Reason for the absence

You can also elect to use Remote Learning Days. Remote days must be requested in advance of the absence. To request a remote day, notify your child’s teacher via e-mail and copy Stephannie Green, the data Clerk, at Each student earns five remote days per semester. Students will be given assignments to make up for the missed day(s) at school. When the work is returned, the student will be counted as present for the day(s) missed.

Learn More about Attendance Matters!
Dismissal Changes?

SAVE THE DATE! First Day Fulton: A Back-to-School Pep Rally to Get Ready for the New School Year! Saturday, July 27 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Now celebrating its 8th year, FIRST DAY FULTON is a back-to-school event helping students and parents prepare for the new school year with information, community services, free school supplies and giveaways.

  • Free for all Fulton County Schools students and families
  • School Supplies & Giveaways (while supplies last)
  • Health Fair & Health Screenings for Form 3300 (Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental and Nutrition Screening)
  • DJ Entertainment
  • Community Vendors
  • FCS Department Expo

Two centralized locations will serve all FCS students and their families: 

Banneker High School
6015 Feldwood Road, Union City


Riverwood High School
5900 Raider Drive, Sandy Springs


Learn More about Dismissal Changes?


The Fulton County Board of Education intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Fulton County Schools. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held on January 14, 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the North Learning Center, 450 Northridge Parkway, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 and on January 23, 6 p.m. at the South Learning Center, 4025 Flat Shoals Road, Union City, GA 30291.

Read More about Intent To Opt Out of Homestead Exemption

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