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Media Center Home

Media Center Mission Statement

The Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology department promotes academic excellence by empowering student and staff to be effective, discriminating users of ideas and information. Additionally, Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology Instructors (METIs) assist instructional staff in using technology effectively for differentiating instruction and providing rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning experiences for all students. The Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology department facilitates the development of balanced and relevant collections of digital and print resources for teacher and student use. Digital resources are provided for all students that are accessible anytime, anywhere, on any web-enabled computer, laptop, or mobile device. 

Mrs. Johnson


"Curiosity Sparkles At the RES Learning Commons"


Monday - Friday
7:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Loan Period
Two (2) weeks

Book Limit
KDG-2nd (1) book

3rd-5th (2) books





On-Line Services

Reference Collection

And Much More...

000-099  Generalities

100-199  Philosophy

200-299  Religion

300-399  Social Sciences

400-499  Language

500-599  Natural Sciences

600-699  Applied Sciences

700-799  Arts / Sports

800-899  Literature

900-999  Geography/History