School Governance Council
The purpose of the School Governance Council is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role in the management of the school. The School Governance Council is a governing body that is representative of the community and the school, but operates under the control and management of the Board of Education. The Council is responsible for making decisions regarding the strategic direction of the school including:
- Approve the school strategic plan and updates
- Approve the annual budget and annual resource allocations
- Manage the Request for Flexibility process
- Participate in hiring the principal (in the case of a vacancy)
- Provide annual feedback on principal performance.
- 3 parents/guardians (elected by parents/guardians of the school)
- 2 teachers (elected by school employees)
- 2 community members (nominated by the principal, approved by the SGC)
- 2 school employees (appointed by the principal)
The principal serves on all SGCs as a non-voting member.